Free Bike Share Debuts on Governors Island

Last Friday marked the first free bike share day on Governors Island, and Streetfilms’ Elizabeth Press was on hand:

Governors Island Preservation and Education Corporation (GIPEC), Transportation Alternatives and Bike and Roll have joined forces to create what they are calling New York City’s first sustained bike share program. Every Friday between June 6th and October 4th, Governors Island visitors can rent adult and children’s bikes at no charge. On Saturdays and Sundays bikes can be rented at cost.

Bike share specifics may be found here. And check out this 2007 Streetfilm for a virtual tour of the island.


Governors Island to Serve as Testing Ground for NYC Bike-Share

Visitors to Governors Island will get to ride these bikes for free on Fridays this summer. Last December Streetsblog noted that a new park planned for Governors Island would include a bike-share fleet, scheduled to debut in 2012. Turns out the wait for free bikes will be a lot shorter. Starting this week, 250 bikes […]

City’s First Bike Share Planned for Governors Island

It ain’t the Velib, but yesterday it was announced that Dutch team West 8 would design a 40-acre park for Governors Island, which will include a fleet of 3,000 wooden bicycles free for use by island visitors. The Times reports: The design, commissioned by the Governors Island Preservation and Education Corporation, calls for transforming much […]

Go to Car-Free Governors Island

Go to Governor’s Island! A StreetFilm by Clarence Eckerson Jr. and Trorb Productions Running Time: 4 minutes 18 seconds Governors Island is a car-free, New York City paradise and now it’s open to the public on weekends from June thru Sept 2nd. Find all the details on the Governors Island Alliance website. To get there, […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

It looks like we have a pretty quiet week coming up. For those who have reserved their seats (registration is closed), tonight’s "Hacking the City" session, featuring Aaron Naparstek and others from The Open Planning Project, starts at 6:30. Otherwise, most of the noteworthy events come toward the tail end of the week.  Friday: Free […]

Why I-Hsing Rides

I met I-Hsing on her morning commute from the South Street Seaport area, where she’d dropped off her kids at school, to her job near Bryant Park. She was riding a Citi Bike to work for the first time. In fact, as a non-bike owner, she was riding any kind of bike to work for […]

Bike-Share Rumors: Portland Leading the Pack

Bike-sharing in Lyon, France Bike-share programs are a very hot topic at the Bike Summit. Everyone is aware of how Velib has led to a huge spike in bike ridership in Paris, and they’re wondering which U.S. city will be the first to replicate that success. Based on the Q&A session at one panel, "Bicycling […]