Cartoon Tuesday: No Rebate Required

While car makers resort to their own gas gimmicks to move outdated and inefficient stock, more and more bikes are rolling out of cycle shops from Bismarck to the Bay Area. Even those in the auto business are making the switch:

Mark Krenz, 48, is giving it a try. The Bismarck auto-parts store
manager recently spent $750 on the 24-speed bike and is building up his
mileage to prepare for his hilly commute.

"In this business,
everybody is constantly talking about how to save gas," Krenz said. "I
bought a bike because I figure it’s a good way to save money, get in
shape and save wear and tear on my pickup."


Even as Gas Prices Fall, More People Are Turning to Transit

From Streetsblog Network member Mobilizing the Region, the blog of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, come some numbers that members of Congress should look at closely as they consider transit funding in the stimulus package: It seems that even as gasoline prices are starting to come down, the economic recession is suppressing driving.  Vehicle miles traveled […]

Have a Bike Parking Solution for the Folks in Austin?

One of the great things about the Streetsblog Network is the way it can connect people in different parts of the country so that they can share solutions to livable streets problems. So maybe someone out there will be able to help Austin Bike Blog figure out what cyclists in that city should do when […]

This Weekend’s Post Editorial, Explained!

The New York Post editorial board isn’t known for enlightened positions on transportation policy and street design. Even so, I was kind of floored to read this tone-deaf screed published over the weekend, blaming the city’s post-Sandy transportation disruptions on bike lanes, pedestrian plazas, and traffic-calming measures. While the mainstream business press quickly caught on to […]

Bike, Transit or Car: Which Is the Fastest Commute?

Tomorrow Transportation Alternatives will hold the 7th Annual Great NYC Commuter Race. Three contestants — traveling by bike, transit and car — will see who has the quickest commute from Fort Greene in Brooklyn to Manhattan’s Union Square. Jamie Favaro, a social worker, plans to ride her bike to victory, "Not only does biking save […]