Today’s Headlines

  • Paul Krugman: Americans ‘Stranded in Suburbia’ (NYT)
  • High-Speed Rail Needed to Ease Congestion, Says House Republican (AP)
  • Weiner Stands Against Earmarks, Except When They’re His (NYT)
  • NYPD Detective Suspended for Using Fake Placard; Union Protests (News)
  • Pregnant Driver Enters Labor, Jumps Curb at Rockefeller Center (News, Post)
  • Hit-and-Run Driver Kills Homeless Man in Midtown (Post)
  • Maintenance Woes for Subway Elevators and Escalators (NYT)
  • Ridership on S.I. Railway Growing Faster Than Any Other NYC Line (AMNY)
  • DOT’s Josh Benson Answers Cyclists’ Questions, Part 3 (City Room)
  • Bike-to-Work Day Welcomed in Indianapolis (Indy Star via Bike Commute Tips)