Today’s Headlines

  • Americans Buying Smaller Cars (NYT)
  • New Yorkers Scale Back Travel Plans, Support Gas Tax Cut (Post)
  • Clinton Pushes Congress to Pick a Side on Gas Tax Holiday (Fox)
  • NYC Fails Air Quality Tests (Crain’s)
  • Vito Fossella Arrested for Drunk Driving (NYT, WaPo)
  • Tim Rutten Is L.A.’s Brodsky (LAT via Planetizen)
  • MTA Chair Campaigns to Improve Agency’s Image (News, NY1)
  • Ads Coming to Exterior of Subway Cars (NY1)
  • Classic 1972 Transit Map Gets an Update (City Room)
  • Auditioning to Busk In the Subways (NYT, Post, News)
  • A Step Toward Making Suburban America a Little Less Car Dependent (Yglesias)