Today’s Headlines

  • Yes, New York’s Share of Federal Transpo Grants Is Heading Elsewhere (NYT)
  • Chicago to Use Money to Launch Nation’s Largest BRT System (Trib)
  • Thomas Friedman Blasts McCain and Clinton Over Gas Tax Holiday (NYT)
  • Truckers ‘March’ on Washington to Protest High Price of Fuel (NBC)
  • Westchester Hits $4/Gal; Albany Ponders Lower Gas Tax (Newsday, NY1)
  • MTA Announces Transit-Oriented Development Program (MTR)
  • L.I. Man Arrested After Yelling Racial Slurs in Fit of Road Rage (Post)
  • New Law Protects Traffic Cops From Angry Drivers (News)
  • More ‘Sustainable Streets’ Coverage (NY1)