Eyes on the Street: Gansevoort Plaza Open for Business (Updated)

The view of Gansevoort Plaza looking west.

Less than a month ago, the Meatpacking District’s Gansevoort Plaza was a chaotic free-for-all for vehicles. Today it sports a large pedestrian space lined with planters and bollards. The Open Planning Project’s Lily Bernheimer snapped these photos showing the new seating and street furniture in action, two weeks after capturing the construction phase. In terms of getting a good bang for the livable streets buck, this project seems like a real winner — a quick and inexpensive reallocation of space.

UPDATE: DOT says this phase of the project cost about $90,000, plus labor. Construction took three weeks (they’re laying down crosswalks and removing the construction barrels tonight). Also, we should note, while the implementation went by in a flash, an extensive community process led up to this point, going back to meetings held in 2005 between Project for Public Spaces and local businesses and residents.

More pictures after the jump.


Eyes on the Street: Get Ready for the New Gansevoort

The view of Gansevoort Plaza looking west. The area to the right of the construction barrels will be set aside for pedestrian use. Looks like the Meatpacking District is about to receive its livable streets makeover. The Open Planning Project’s Lily Bernheimer snapped these shots of Gansevoort Plaza earlier today. The orange barrels and dashed […]

Meat Market Plaza is Open for Business

The interim redesign of Ninth Avenue and 14th Street is done. Tables, chairs, planters and some of those giant granite blocks from DOT’s Bridges Division have been set out as multipurpose bollard-bench-tables atop a gravelly, earth-tone pavement surface.  What was very recently one of the longest and most hectic pedestrian crossings in Manhattan, and no […]

Big Day for NYC Livable Streets Activism

Pedestrian improvements to Gansevoort Plaza, the product of a community-based process, are now under threat. There’s a lot on the table today for New Yorkers looking to make streets safer and more welcoming for pedestrians and cyclists. Turnout will be needed at three events, including two meetings where recent improvements are expected to come under […]

The New Gansevoort: Pedestrian Godsend, Nightclubber Nuisance

A DOT team received a mix of gratitude and derision at Tuesday’s public forum about recent pedestrian improvements in the Meatpacking District, which attracted an audience of about 100 people to the Housing Works offices on West 13th Street. It was an interesting window onto the competing interests now vying to shape what has been, […]

Streetfilm: The Transformation of Meat Market Plaza

The past few weeks, we’ve kept an eye on the rapid progress of Gansevoort Plaza in the Meatpacking District. Lest we forget about its slightly older neighbor to the north, Meat Market Plaza, Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson, Jr. cut together this short video capturing the site (Ninth Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets) before, during, and […]

Meatpacking District Will Get a Makeover

A rendering of the proposed Gansevoort Plaza, looking southbound. Major public space improvements are on the drawing board for Lower Manhattan’s old Meat-Packing District. Ian Dutton, Houston Street bike safety organizer, professional airline pilot and Streetsblog reader has the report:  Last year, community groups came together as the Greater Gansevoort Urban Improvement Project to develop […]