Miller Brewing Co.: Cycling Is Patriotic

This ad has some age on it, but we thought it’d be nice for once to see one from a company that gets it.

A cyclist, his front basket filled with two fresh six packs of jingling Miller bottles, makes his way down a snow-covered street.

The voice over:

That’s the way, patriot. Let the OPECs keep their gasoline.

We’ll just tap into a far more efficient energy source: man power.

Miller High Life: Who knew?

By filmmaker Errol Morris via markkohlman/YouTube


Oscar Health Insurance: “Bike Messengers Can Blindside You”

Here’s one for the tone-deaf PR file. Oscar, a “startup” health insurance company helmed by real estate heir and venture capitalist Joshua Kushner (brother of Observer publisher Jared Kushner), is hoping to sign up young, tech-savvy New Yorkers in need of health coverage. To do this, the company has launched an ad campaign that features this […]

Eyes on the Street: Queens Boulevard Gets Its Bike Lane

It’s happening: DOT crews are putting down green paint and thermoplastic stripes along 1.3 miles of Queens Boulevard between Roosevelt Avenue and 73rd Street. The redesign is the de Blasio administration’s most significant bike project to date and includes several pedestrian safety improvements as well. It was prompted by a long advocacy campaign for safer biking on the boulevard, […]