Tonight: Support a Bike-Friendly North Brooklyn


Congestion pricing may be dead for the moment, but livable streets advocates can’t afford to let that sap our strength or motivation. There are plenty of changes to be made that need grassroots support — and not one iota of approval from Albany — to reach fruition. One of those measures will face a crucial test later today.

Brooklyn Community Board 1 is slated to vote tonight on plans for a separated bike path on Kent Avenue and West Street. To add the bike path, parking spaces will be shifted away from the street, and you can bet that even this modest proposal will gin up some opposition. The public is invited to speak (see details below), and the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative is urging bike path supporters to come out and show support:

The plan involves the transfer of parking from Kent Ave and West St to new spots we have found in areas that are changing from industrial to residential use. Despite the fact that we have identified enough spaces within two blocks of the route to avoid inconveniencing people who may park there, there is often strong resistance to what may be spun as a "loss of parking". So we really need a strong showing of support to make the board know the overwhelming desire for these improvements for Kent and West that will make them more inviting for both pedestrians and cyclists. The project will also add over 250 new street trees and other greening of the streetscape.

To speak, you must sign up by 6:15pm. The meeting is at the Swinging 60’s Senior Citizens Center, 211 Ainslie Street (corner of Manhattan Avenue).

Image courtesy of the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative


Brooklyn CB1 Approves Bike Path in Place of Parking

Here’s how space is divvied up on Kent Avenue today… On Tuesday night, Community Board 1 in north Brooklyn voted 39-2 to support adding a separated bike path to Kent Avenue, a truck route through Williamsburg and Greenpoint. The path will be part of the Brooklyn Greenway, which is slated to follow the waterfront from […]

DOT Proposes Flushing Ave Bikeway in Prelude to Major Greenway Push

Image: NYCDOT [PDF] Here’s a look at the Flushing Avenue bike path concept that NYCDOT presented to the Brooklyn Community Board 2 transportation committee last night. This project would add another preliminary link to the path of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway, following in the footsteps of the Kent Avenue bike lane. After a round of […]

Tonight: Support Brooklyn Greenway and Safe Cycling at Kent Ave Meeting

Come out tonight and support the city’s first two-way, on-street protected bike path. If you care about safe biking in Williamsburg and Greenpoint and you’d like to see the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway eventually reach completion, you’ll want to show up at tonight’s Brooklyn CB1 transportation meeting. The Kent Avenue bike lane is item number one […]

Brooklyn CB1 Hears Two Proposals for Safer Streets Tonight

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Eyes on the Street: Biking on the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway

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Tonight: Turn Out to Support Safer Biking and Walking on Flushing Ave

What it’s like to bike on Flushing Avenue now. Photo: NYCDOT We’ve got a late and important addition to the Streetsblog calendar: At tonight’s meeting of the Brooklyn Community Board 2 transportation committee, DOT will present a revised proposal to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists on Flushing Avenue near the Brooklyn Navy Yard. This […]