Dueling Videos: Weprin and McCaffrey vs. New York’s Future

Azi Paybarah at the Politicker shot this video of Queens City Council Member David Weprin’s anti-pricing rally yesterday. Sharing the podium with Weprin is Walter McCaffrey of Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free. Can you count the distortions relayed in this nine minute reel?

After the jump, Azi gets a response from Michael O’Loughlin of the Campaign for New York’s Future.

Azi has another video in which Weprin explains that the City Council actually doesn’t support pricing, despite last week’s 30-20 vote.


Weiner and Wylde Square Off in Pricing Forum

Four veterans of the congestion pricing wars went toe-to-toe at the Museum of the City of New York Wednesday night — the last showdown before the Congestion Mitigation Commission releases its draft proposals today. Taking the stump for pricing were Kathryn Wylde of the Partnership for NYC and Michael O’Loughlin of the Campaign for New […]

Bloomberg: It’s Up to Albany to Revive Congestion Pricing

If congestion pricing is going to resurface as a viable option to relieve traffic, help plug the enormous gap in the MTA capital program, and keep transit fares from ballooning in the years ahead, it won’t come from the Bloomberg administration. Testifying in Albany on Andrew Cuomo’s budget proposal today, Bloomberg said he won’t get […]

Congestion Pricing: The Public Conversation Begins

The New York Sun has the first of what will be a littany of congestion pricing stories coming out in the next few months. Finally, with city and state elections out of the way, New York City is about to embark on a substantive discussion of its transportation, traffic congestion and long-term sustainability issues. Some excerpts below: While Mayor […]

Traffic Relief Advocates: Meet Your Opponents

Front row, left to right: Councilmember Melinda Katz, Councilmember Leroy Comrie, Councilmember Helen Sears, Councilmember David Weprin, Keep NYC Congestion Tax Free spokesman Walter McCaffrey,  Ray Irrera from the Queens Chamber of Commerce is behind McCaffrey, Joe Conley of Queens Community Board 2 and John Corlett from AAA. (Photo: Aaron Naparstek) In response to the Partnership for New York City’s report, […]

Traffic Mitigation Commission Meeting Pre-Spin

Ahead of this afternoon’s opening meeting of the 17-member Traffic Mitigation Commission, the Campaign for New York’s Future sends along a press release noting two recent studies about the impact of traffic congestion on the region’s health and economy: NEW YORK, September 25, 2007 – The following may be attributed to Michael O’Loughlin, Director of […]

Odds and Ends

New York and six other cities have their federal grant application presentations online here at the Transportation Research Board. Contrary to congestion pricing opponents who claim the July 16 federal deadline is a ruse. Patrick Decorla-Souza at the FHWA confirms that all of the "other applicants either already have statutory authority, or the granting of […]