Today’s Headlines

  • Bronx Assemblyman Seeks to Clear Path for Congestion Pricing (Daily Politics)
  • Horse Trading Ramps Up in City Council (Sun)
  • News Endorses Pricing, While Columnist Regurgitates Brodsky’s Line
  • Brooklyn Community Board 7 Votes Against Pricing and RPP (Gowanus Lounge)
  • Member of Bronx Community Board 8 Rejects Parking Permits Too (R’dale Press)
  • Economic Downturn Casts Doubt on Future of Atlantic Yards (NYT)
  • Selection of Hudson Yards Developer Delayed (Sun)
  • More on the Protest Against Park-Hogging Brooklyn Judges (News)
  • Cabbies Say They Need to Use Cell Phones for Their Safety (AMNY)
  • Suffolk County Exec: ‘Roadway Expansion Is Absolutely Necessary’ (MTR)
  • How Much CO2 Does Transit Keep Out of the Air? (NARP Blog)