Today’s Headlines

  • Spitzer Likely to Resign Today, Say Aides (NY1, Sun)
  • The Political Career of David A. Paterson (NYT)
  • Worth an Encore: Transit Riders Support Pricing (News)
  • Foe of Car-Free Prince Street Peddles Fear of Mimes to Media (Metro)
  • MTA Capital Plan Good for Outer Boroughs… (MTR)
  • …Includes $3.7B to Fix Up Brooklyn Subway Stations (News)
  • Greyhound and Peter Pan Launch Fung Wah Competitor (AP)
  • Warming Could Wreak Havoc on Transportation Infrastructure (AP via Grist)
  • $4 a Gallon? Try $5 in This California Town (NYT)
  • Rockland County Orthodox Jewish Community Keeps Wal-Mart at Bay (NYT)
  • Beijing Pollution Leads Runner to Opt Out of Marathon (BBC via Car-Free USA)