Today’s Headlines

  • No Parking Spot? Here Are About 142,000 Reasons (NYT)
  • Twice as Many Parking Placards Issued as City Hall Thought (Sun
  • Auxiliary Cops See Parking Permit Cut as an Insult (NYT)
  • Chicago Gets More Than 400 New Traffic Enforcement Cams
  • Moynihan Station Plan is Sputtering (NYT
  • Cuomo Improves Albany Transparency Web Site (Times Union)
  • OPEC Tells Bush High Oil Prices Are His Fault (NYT)
  • NYC #2 on List of Cities Most Prepared for $4 Gallon (Common Current)
  • Bush: My 20-Car Motorcade Isn’t Helping the US to "Get Off Oil" (Huff Post)
  • EPA Drags Its Feet on Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Regs (Grist)
  • Climate Change Prompts Changes in Transportation Planning