Today’s Headlines

  • Traffic Deaths at Record Low For Pedestrians, But Not Cyclists (Post, AM, Sun)
  • MTA May Save Cash By Installing Concrete Floors Instead of Granite (News)
  • Post: Fulton Transit Center Was a Boondoggle From The Beginning
  • Public Testifies on 125th Street Rezoning Today (News, Metro)
  • Hudson River Park Trust to Vote on Related’s Pier 40 Proposal Tomorrow (NYT)
  • MTA Wants to Lease Hudson Yards, Not Sell (Crain’s)
  • Cops Tase Cyclist Who Rode "Without Proper Lighting" (ChicoER)
  • Brooklyn Sidewalk Chalk Artist Jailed For 17 Hours (Voice)
  • Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Economists Model Bus Stop Dilemma (New Scientist)
  • More Towns Collecting Crash Fees From Out-of-Town Drivers (USA Today)
  • Planet Has Entered a New Geological Epoch Caused By Human Activity (Dot Earth)