- Congestion Mitigation Commission Will Probably Recommend Pricing (NYT, AP)
- Bush Admin Cut Pro-Transit Section From National Report (NCI, via Planetizen)
- Fashion Designer Stripped of Corrections Dept. Parking Placard (Post)
- Daily News Previews Next Week’s Neighborhood Parking Workshops in Queens
- MTA: Bus Lines Attracting Riders With Better, More Reliable Service (NY1)
- NY1 Takes a Look at Ted Kheel’s ‘Extreme Congestion Pricing’
- Bay Ridge Activist Campaigns for Transit, Against Pricing (Brooklyn Eagle)
- Undercover Taxi Officers Ride Their Beat (AM)
- Battle Lines Drawn in 125th Street Rezoning (AM, City Room)
- Proposed L.I.-Westchester Tunnel Could Be Dead in the Water (Newsday)
- Carlton Avenue Bridge & Bike Lane Closes for Atlantic Yards (AYR)