Today’s Headlines

  • New York Times: City Needs Congestion Pricing, Especially Below 60th Street
  • The Best Way to Get Trucks Out of Bike Lanes? Parking Reform (Alpie)
  • Water Taxi Suspends South Brooklyn Service (Post, Curbed)
  • Ted Kheel Talks to Metro About Free Subways
  • Five Intersections in Hipster Williamsburg Get New Stoplights (Metro)
  • Subway Surveillance is Over Budget, Behind Schedule (Post, News, AP)
  • TLC Secret Agents to Keep Cabbies in Line (Post, News, City Room)
  • Cop Who Mowed Down Fellow Officer Gets Reduced Sentence (Post, News, AM)
  • Related’s Pier 40 Proposal Will Add Traffic, Harm Bikeway (Villager)
  • Proposed 125th Street Rezoning Inflames Passions (Curbed)
  • US Ranked Last Among G8 Nations in Environmental Performance (NYT)
  • BRT Better for Kansas City Than Light Rail, Say Libertarians (KC Star)