Our Improved Calendar and Upcoming Events

Hardworking technologist Nick Grossman took a break from the big Streetsblog redesign project to upgrade our calendar. Click the red "EVENTS CALENDAR" link at right to see what they’ve done. If you were having trouble with the calendar before, I think you’ll find the layout is much easier to read. We’ve also created an RSS feed for events if you prefer to have events delivered directly to your news reader.

The improvements come just in time because the calendar is pretty much filled with important events right now. Here are a few worth noting:


This Week in Livable Streets Events

As Summer Streets month continues, this week’s Streetsblog Calendar also includes an event memorializing city workers who have lost their lives while on the job, and an opportunity to help bring safer streets to Queens. Monday: Transportation Alternatives Queens Committee Meeting. Come join the TA Queens Committee and connect with like-minded neighbors as they tackle […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

Tonight’s Transportation Alternatives City Council candidate debate highlights a slow summer week on the Streetsblog Calendar. Other events include a NYMTC comment period deadline and the monthly meeting of the Five Borough Bike Club. Tuesday: The first of at least three City Council candidate debates sponsored by Transportation Alternatives takes place tonight in Brooklyn, where […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

It may be a short week, but there’s no shortage of activity on the Streetsblog Calendar. Here are the highlights.  Tuesday: Auto-Free New York: Tony Avella / Sustainable Transportation for NY in the Race for Mayor. Council Member Tony Avella is best known for leading the fight against congestion pricing and working hard to preserve […]