- City Says Bridge Tolls Would Rival Pricing Results (News)
- Bloomberg OK With Pricing Changes, So Long as Means Meet Ends (Post)
- On "The Call," Even Transit Users Think Charging Drivers Is Unfair (NY1)
- Will Pricing Ever Come to the Tappan Zee? (Times H-R)
- Opponents of Fare Increases, Pricing and Tolls Need to ‘Get Real’ (Post)
- MTA Links Imminent Hike With New Service — Which Bloomberg Delays
- If You Don’t Catch a Nostalgia Ride, You Can Still Hear Them (City Room)
- Mayor Relates Pothole Repairs With Life Expectancy (Sun)
- City Plays Games With Yankee Stadium Replacement ‘Parkland’ (News)
- It’s a Real Winter, At Least for This Week (NYT)
- Merry Christmas. Now Get Out of My Parking Spot. (News)