New Bleecker Bike Lane Already Blocked by Parked Cars

Streetsblog reader Dave Goldberg sends along a camera phone photo of the freshly striped Bleecker Street bike lane, shot between LaGuardia Place and Mercer Street. Goldberg notes:

I can’t say that the striping was universally respected. You can see from the background of the photo that there’s a car in the lane. Also, between Mercer and Broadway, there were two vehicles double parked in it. I guess we’ll see how well area drivers can adapt.

I guess. Based on the photo, this looks like it could have been a fine spot for a Copenhagen-style physically-protected bike lane. It’s a lot harder to double-park in one of those.


DOT’s Latest Missed Opportunity for Protected Bike Lanes

Eighth Street, which cuts eastbound across Greenwich Village just above Washington Square Park, had two traffic lanes until recently. A road diet by the Department of Transportation dropped it to one lane and added new pedestrian crossings. Left out of the redesign: bike lanes. Instead, there are “extra-wide parking lanes” that also accommodate double-parked drivers. Last November, the plan […]

Eyes on the Street: New Bike Lanes Around Union Square

DOT began installing new bike lanes leading to and around Union Square this week. The project — which will eventually include a two-way protected lane around the park’s eastern and northern edges — is not nearly complete, but fresh paint along Fourth Avenue between 12th and 15th heralds bigger changes on the way. In addition […]

CB 2 Committee Endorses Parking-Protected Hudson St. Bike Lane

The transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 2 voted unanimously on Tuesday to endorse a community-generated plan to upgrade the Hudson Street bike lane to a parking-protected lane. Right now, Hudson Street has a buffered bike lane. It’s one of the oldest in the city according to Ian Dutton, a former vice chair of the […]