Today’s Headlines

  • Ken Livingstone to Ban Cars From London’s Busiest Streets (Times
  • Don’t Like Congestion? Get Out of the City. (Sydney Morning Herald)
  • Port Authority Details Toll Jump; May End E-ZPass Discounts (NYT, Post)
  • Corzine Pledges ‘Substantial’ Toll Increases (NYT)
  • You See a Safer Street; Drivers See Fewer Parking Spots (Brooklyn Paper
  • 17-Year-Old Driver Kills Pedestrian; Charged for License Violation (Post)
  • Legislator Seeks to Outlaw Texting While Driving (Post
  • Court Rejects Bush Mileage Standards as Too Weak (NYT)
  • Detroit Mired in Poverty as Car Makers Fight for Inefficiency (BBC, Gristmill)
  • Bike Commuting in the ‘Burbs? Yep. (Advocate)
  • This Holiday Season, Try Transit (AMNY)
  • The Red Hook Equation: Crappy Bus Service = Lower Rents (Curbed)