You Can be a Streetsblog Contributor Too
This photo comes to us from Bicyclesonly who is uploading photos (of, you guessed it, bicycles only) to Flickr and tagging them "streetsblog." By tagging your photos as such, they will automatically pop up on our newly revamped "Contribute to Streetsblog" page over there in the upper left corner of the screen. You can upload videos to YouTube and links to and tag them "streetsblog" also.
Regarding the photo above, Bicyclesonly writes:
One of the most pleasant Greenway routes in NYC is the Randall’s Island
Greenway Connector. Once the last segment of this route is complete, it
will allow a
car-free ride from the East Side Greenway to the new
pedestrian/bicyclist ramp of the Triborough Bridge to Queens.