Today’s Headlines

  • Autobesity: We Have a Driving Problem (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)
  • Bay Area Drivers Would Support 25 Cent Global Warming Gas Tax (SF Examiner)
  • NY Assembly Minority Leader Says Cut State Gas Taxes Now (Cap Confidential
  • Poll Finds Citizens More Prepared for "Green Sacrifice" Than Governments (BBC)
  • Portland Unveils Carbon Tax and Breaks for Developers (Oregonian via CTC)
  • Big Oil CEOs Say Supply Will Not Meet Growing Demand (Oil Drum)
  • Last of Seized Park Land Fenced for Yankees Parking (News)
  • Store & 200-300 Parking Spaces Planned for Historic Brooklyn Site (Brownstoner)
  • Corcoran Urges Home Owners to Pave Their Lawns (Forgotten NY, Queens Crap)
  • Times Editorial: Don’t Rush to a Fare Hike (NYT)
  • Three Pretty Moronic Letters to the Editor Re: Last Week’s Grrdlock Article (NYT)