Myrtle Avenue Street Furniture Initiative: Community Design Workshop

The Pratt Design Incubator for Sustainable Innovation, Pratt industrial design students, and the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership will hold a community design workshop tonight, Tuesday, November 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. in Pratt Institute’s Higgins Hall as part of the Myrtle Avenue Street Furniture Design Initiative. The workshop, during which designers will present preliminary concepts for seating, bike racks, tree guards, and other possible street elements, is open to the public and members of the community are encouraged to attend.

The workshop will:

  • introduce the project: background, goals, process, and timeline
  • share preliminary design concepts
  • invite participants to join topic tables to discuss and/or sketch
    concrete elements (bike racks, benches, pavings, etc.) as well as
    general topics (identity, sense of place)

We also hope to gain more information about the reasons for why people
visit the avenue and what design issues would facilitate these visits.
Questions to think about before attending the workshop:

  • Do you shop or dine on Myrtle? If so, what design elements would make this experience easier or more pleasurable?
  • Do you park your bike on Myrtle? Where and why?
  • What do you like about the avenue, and what street furniture items do you wish existed?

  • Aside from the goods and services, are there streetscape amenities
    along other commercial corridors that draw you to shop there?
  • How are the current elements on the sidewalk spaces useful, or problematic?


Myrtle Ave. Parking Spot Becomes a Park and Classroom

The first round of Park(ing) Day photos are coming in. Here is a public space reclamation project currently underway on Myrtle Avenue in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. Blaise Backer, executive director of the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership explains: A Pratt Institute Industrial Design class is holding class in the space from 9:30 to 12:30, getting feedback […]

Eyes on the Street: New Places to Sit on Myrtle Avenue

Combining public seating and tree protection, the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership has begun a second round of street furniture installations. The project is bringing 28 tree guards and 22 benches to Myrtle Avenue between Flatbush and Classon Avenues by the end of the year, joining 40 tree guards and benches that were installed in 2011. At one […]

This Week: DOT Workshop on Myrtle, Wyckoff, and Palmetto

The intersection of Myrtle Avenue, Wyckoff Avenue, and Palmetto Street, on the border of Brooklyn and Queens, is chaotic and deadly. According to city crash data, drivers have killed three pedestrians at this crossing, a hub for subway and bus commuters, since 2009. At least two of the victims were struck by MTA bus drivers. […]

This Week: Make the Myrtle-Wyckoff Intersection Safe for People

Two years ago, hundreds of people gathered at the intersection of Myrtle Avenue and Wyckoff Avenue on the Ridgewood-Bushwick border to remember 23-year-old Ella Bandes, who was killed by a turning MTA bus driver there in 2013, and call for a safer street design. After a first round of improvements proved ineffective, DOT has a plan for more significant changes — […]