Today’s Headlines

  • NYC Riders Pay Biggest Share of Transit Costs in the US (News)
  • Bicyclists Suing City Over Critical Mass Arrests (OnNYturf)
  • "Public-be-Damned" Attitude Emanating From Albany (ReformNY)
  • Pricing to Address Bay Area Traffic and Climate Change (Planetizen)
  • Venezuela’s 7 Cent Gallon Fosters a "Revolution of Hummers" (NYT)
  • Dollar and Oil Hit New Records (FT)
  • Cars Getting Heavier, More Powerful, Less Efficient (Car&Driver)
  • Reimagining the Automobile as an Electricity Powerplant (NYT)
  • America’s 20 Most Sedentary [Southeastern] Cities (Forbes)
  • Small Growth is the New Smart Growth (NYT)
  • Berkeley, CA May Pay for Up-Front Costs of Solar (Grist)