Today’s Headlines

  • Legislation Would Bring $703 Million to MTA (AMNY)
  • Brodsky Calls Fare Hike a "Choice" (Metro)
  • Brodsky Revels in Populist Role; Also Likes Handicap Spaces (Observer)
  • More on Dinowitz Pricing Forum (Riverdale Press)
  • Pricing Plan Short on Alternatives to Driving (Riverdale Press)
  • Anger and Frustration Over $35B TIP Delay (Wonkster)
  • John Liu Proposes New Idling Law (Sun)
  • Times Square Pedestrian Case Goes to Court of Appeals (NYT)
  • Gap to Be Closed in Riverside Park Path (City Room)
  • L and 7 Lines to Get Additional Trains (Post)
  • French Transit Workers on Strike (NYT)
  • Which Is Better/Worse: Driving or Flying? (Gristmill)