Today’s Headlines

  • Yesterday Was the Hottest October 9 on Record (NOAA)
  • Energy Companies Tap the Polar Frontier (NYT)
  • Stockholm’s New Green Suburb: Buses Run on Sewage Gases! (Building)
  • Bloomberg: We Need Transit That is Faster, Better, More Pleasurable (News)
  • More Highway Travel Lanes = More Greenhouse Gases (Planetizen
  • Cities See Cycling as a Mode of Transportation (USA Today)
  • Sadik-Khan Message to Hedge Fund Guys: "Bike is the New Golf" (AP)
  • Obama Proposes Deep Greenhouse Gas Cuts (NYT)
  • Westchester Considers Bike Helmet Law (Newsday)
  • Albany Senate Republicans Wonder if its Time to Get to Work (Sun)
  • Yankee Stadium Parking is Expensive: Councilman Wants Investigation (Sun)
  • No Charges Likely for Taxi Driver Who Killed Ped (Sun, News)
  • NYFD Chief’s Father Killed by Drunk Driver in Queens (NYT, News)