Today’s Headlines

  • Tropical NYC: Storm Knocks Down Trees, Knocks Out Transit (Gothamist)
  • Transit System Crippled by Flooding (CityRoom)
  • US DOT Delays Decision on Congestion Pricing Grants — Not Today (CityRoom)
  • Comptroller’s Report: Avoid MTA Fare Hike With More Subsidies (CityRoom)
  • MTA Could Avoid Fare Hike if State Stopped Short-Changing It (News)
  • 44 Years After Original Sin, NY’ers Rally Once Again for Penn Station (MAS)
  • Four Traffic Agents Busted for Writing Phony Parking Tickets (News, Sun)
  • Feeding the Cars: Ethanol Pumps Up the Price of Farmland (NYT)
  • Encouraging Better Environmental Choices: What Works? (Grist)