Today’s Headlines

  • $3.5m for Beach Bike and Handicap Path Stuck in Parks Dept Red Tape (News)
  • Sen. Schumer Says NYC Bridges Neglected Despite His Wife’s Assurances (Sun)
  • MTA Studying One-Seat Rail Ride to Upstate Stewart Airport (Sun)
  • Mayor Bloomberg’s SUV/Subway Commute Makes the National News (NPR)
  • Pave the Railways! Tri-State Region’s Road Network Must be Expanded (NYT)
  • Better Pavement Could Help Cool Cities (Planetizen)
  • Energize America: A 20-Point Plan to Wean America From Fossil Fuels
  • Filling Your Belly is More Energy Intensive Than Filling a Gas Tank (Times)
  • Label Food to Show How Far It Has Traveled to Your Plate (NYT)
  • Bush Pushes Climate Meeting But Shuns Solutions (Grist)
  • Jay Leno Shows Off His Clean, Quiet, 98-Year-Old Electric Car (NYT)
  • Comparing the Planning and Politics of the Pulaski Skyway to Atlantic Yards (AYR)
  • Luxury, Brooklyn-Style: Scaffolding Collapses Outside 4th Ave Condos (Curbed)