- Wheel Simple: NYC Can be One of the World’s Great Bicycling Cities (News)
- Rough Ride: Kids Fear Bicycling on Brooklyn Streets (News)
- The Importance of Eco-Cities in an Urbanizing World (Planetizen)
- Nanjing, China Poised to Adopt Congestion Pricing (China Daily)
- New East River Park: Hours Too Short, Too Many Rules (News)
- City Tap Water so Clean, Feds Will Not Require Filtration (Sun)
- Winter Road Salt Seeping Into North Jersey Tap Water (NJ.com)
- Carter Craft, Waterfront Expert, Takes Your Questions (CityRoom)
- Chicagoans Protest as Indiana Lets a Refinery Add to Lake Pollution (NYT)
- Energy Bill Aids Expansion of New Atomic Power Plants (NYT)
- Heidi Cullen: The Weather Channel’s Climate Scientist (NYT)
- Truck Smashes Hole in Apartment Building (NJ.com)
- A Tour of Bedford Ave., Brooklyn’s Longest Street (Forgotten NY)