It’s Getting Better All the Time

NYC is Changing
A StreetFilm by Clarence Eckerson Jr.

Running Time: 1 minute 55 seconds

Clarence Eckerson put together a really nice little StreetFilm featuring some of the public space improvements that are now underway in various parts of New York City. He’s got before-and-after shots of 9th Street Bike Lane, DUMBO Pearl Street Piazza, Broadway Bus Bulbs, the Bedford Avenue Parking Swap, and, a personal favorite, the bike rack that sprouted up outside of his own apartment building.


If DOT Can Accelerate Street Repaving, It Can Accelerate Safety Projects

Mayor Bill de Blasio made a visit yesterday to one of the city’s more car-dependent areas, on Staten Island’s south shore, to tout an additional $242 million in his budget for street repaving. The additional money will bring the city’s repaving plan to a total 1,200 lane-miles through June 2016, a 20 percent boost over previous projections. Well-maintained streets […]

Two 125th Street Intersections Slated for Ped Safety Fixes

The proposed redesign for the intersection of 125th Street and Lenox Avenue. The project would convert left-turn bays on Lenox into wider pedestrian refuges. Image: NYCDOT Harlem’s Main Street is slated to receive some pedestrian safety improvements at two dangerous intersections. Where 125th Street meets Lenox and St. Nicholas Avenues, NYCDOT safety plans call for […]

Manhattan CB3 to Discuss Important Street Safety Measures Tonight

Critical street safety measures are on the agenda for a Community Board 3 meeting tonight. Additional sidewalk space, more bike lanes, improved crosswalks and safer signalization are all reported to be on the table. The measures are included in DOT’s Safe Streets for Seniors plan and the reconstruction of East Houston Street, which two CB3 […]