Spitzer Backs Congestion Pricing

Is Mayor Bloomberg actually going to pull this off? Governor Eliot Spitzer came out in favor of congestion pricing this morning. Elizabeth Benjamin at the Daily News reports:

Standing with Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Gov.
Eliot Spitzer this morning said he is "in favor of embracing a congestion pricing model"
at a press conference where U.S.
Transportation Secretary Mary Peters announced New York is one of nine semi-finalist cities competing for $1.1 billion worth of federal funding to help implement traffic-curbing plans.

Spitzer called congestion pricing "a necessary investment for New York City" and said the state will work with the city to fine-tune its application for federal funds.

"This is not really a question of whether, it’s a question of when and a question of doing it properly," said the governor, who also stressed that issues of implementation and the effect congestion pricing would have on the overall transportation system still remain to be worked out.

Peters, who said she personally experienced the city’s traffic problem when she hit a jam on the FDR on her way to the governor’s Manhattan office, said the federal government aims to pick five finalist cities by early August and will be seeking assurances from local officials that their respective plans can be implemented quickly.

The city could receive some $400 million, although Spitzer said they’re aiming for $500 million. The cash would be used to implement a pilot plan, Bloomberg said, adding: "People want specificity; But until we try it, we’re not going to exactly know. We are smart enough and flexible enough to try things and constantly improve them."

This is a one-shot deal – if the deadlines aren’t met, the funding won’t be available later, said Peters. She called Bloomberg’s plan "bold, brave and long overdue," adding: "This plan will keep the city that never sleeps from becoming the city that never moves."

The Legislature needs to sign off on congestion pricing. Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno has signaled his support. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has been more reticent. Bloomberg is scheduled to testify at an Assembly hearing on the topic tomorrow in Manhattan.

Peters was supposed to travel to Albany this afternoon to meet with both Bruno and Silver, but called off her trip due to what was billed as a last-minute scheduling conflict.


Congestion Pricing Plan Advancing Rapidly

Sewell Chan at the New York Times’ Empire Zone has more on this morning’s meeting between Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Spitzer and US Dept. of Transportation secretary Mary Peters: Mr. Spitzer said at a news conference this morning, "There will always be some congestion and the good news is there is economic growth and there’s vitality […]

More Mixed Signals on Pricing’s Chances Under Paterson

  "Today is Monday. There is work to be done." So said David Paterson, who was sworn in as New York’s 55th governor just after 1:00 this afternoon. Two Mondays from now, the City Council and state Legislature will need to have adopted a congestion pricing plan if the city is to receive $354 million […]

Open Thread: Spitzer Prostitution Scandal

As most of you no doubt know by now: Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel last month, according to a person briefed on the federal investigation. The wiretap recording, made during an investigation of a prostitution ring called Emperors Club […]

August 1: The Mayor Shall Submit the Traffic Mitigation Plan

A couple of weeks ago Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Spitzer, Senate Leader Bruno and Assembly Speaker Silver agreed to a process that would lead to the formation of a 17-member commission that would evaluate and decide on New York City’s congestion pricing proposal. The deal laid out a very specific timeline by which the process would […]

Congestion Pricing Endgame Begins

With less than four weeks remaining for the city to meet the $354 million federal deadline, lawmakers are positioning themselves on one side of the other of the congestion pricing debate, as state and city prime movers quietly ready for "negotiations." According to the Sun, Governor Eliot Spitzer’s office is drafting a congestion pricing bill, […]