East River Charrette: Creating a Vision for East Midtown’s Waterfront

New York has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to open up access to Manhattan’s Midtown East waterfront. The midtown section of the FDR Drive is being rebuilt, the former Con Ed site is being redeveloped, and the City is planning to facilitate the expansion of the U.N. campus and create an adjacent waterfront esplanade. If planned together, these projects could be designed to create new park space, provide access to the waterfront, and complete a greenway that would go all the way from the Battery to Harlem.

But we need a vision first. In just a few weeks, the Municipal Art Society, Manhattan Community Board 6, Councilman Dan Garodnick and other elected officials will convene six of the world’s leading landscape architects for an extraordinary 12-hour design charrette (an intensive design workshop) to create a vision for the East River waterfront from 34th Street to 63rd Street.

Be a part of it. Join the charrette to give input and ideas to help create the vision.