T.A. Rides with the Mayors of Sydney & Copenhagen

T.A. Rides with the Mayors of Sydney & Copenhagen

A StreetFilm by Clarence Eckerson Jr.

Running Time: 3 minutes 3 seconds

On the closing day of New York City’s historic C40 Climate Summit, Lord Mayor Clover Moore of Sydney, Australia and Copenhagen’s Mayor of the Technical & Environmental Administration Klaus Bondam took a lunch break to ride bikes with Transportation Alternatives in a symbolic loop around Central Park. As usual StreetFilms brings you the best coverage.


NYMTC Accepts Public Comments on Region’s 5-Year Transportation Spending Priorities

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) is pleased to announce the availability of the draft 2008-2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the accompanying Air Quality Conformity Determination. This will be a meeting where the public will have opportunities to comment. NYMTC is a regional council of governments and transportation providers that serves as the […]

NYMTC Accepts Public Comments on Region’s 5-Year Transportation Spending Priorities

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) is pleased to announce the availability of the draft 2008-2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the accompanying Air Quality Conformity Determination. This will be a meeting where the public will have opportunities to comment. NYMTC is a regional council of governments and transportation providers that serves as the […]

The Urban Transportation Report Card

Transportation Alternatives has teamed up with cycling advocates from Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle to issue the Urban Transportation Report Card (PDF), which rates these cities’ progress on greening their transportation systems. The report notes that transportation accounts for 20-60% of carbon emissions in major U.S. cities, so it is very encouraging that in each city […]

San Fran Mayor Sets Ambitious Transportation Targets

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (pictured right) emphasized quality of life issues in his annual State of the City address last week. Most significant, Newsom put forward an ambitious transportation agenda and laid out specific targets for increasing bicycling and reducing automobile use: We will continue our long term planning to create a citywide bicycle network, […]

Maryland Senator Ben Cardin: America Needs Transit, Now

The $1.7 billion in public transportation funding promised by the Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act would be a step in the right direction, but it pales in comparison to what might have been. The Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act — the cap-and-trade bill that died in the Senate last month — would have brought 100 […]

Friday Job Market

Looking to hire a smart, qualified person for a position in transportation planning, engineering, IT, or advocacy? Post a listing on the Streetsblog Jobs Board and reach our national audience of dedicated readers. Looking for a job? Here are the current listings: Transportation Planning Analyst, City of Beverly Hills, CA The transportation planning analyst performs […]