Today’s Headlines

  • Lawmakers ‘Flat Wrong’ to Call Congestion Pricing a ‘Tax’ (NYT)
  • RELATED: Bloomberg Says Weiner Criticism Uninformed (Daily News)
  • RELATED: Mayor’s Successors Unlikely to Pursue Pricing (Post)
  • Staten Island Has City’s Worst Smog (NYT)
  • Driver Charged in Death of Cyclist (Daily News, NYT, Post)
  • The High Line: It’s a Park, It’s a Brand (Wonkster)
  • City Will Need Pruners for New PlaNYC Trees (Daily Intel)
  • Hearing Today on Railroad House Demo-for-Parking (Develop Don’t Destroy)
  • Brooklyn Greenway Bike Tour Set for This Weekend (Brooklyn Eagle)
  • Gov. Corzine Clocked at 70 mph on Way Home From Hospital (Post)
  • Smooth San Fran Commute an Aberration, Officials Fear (NYT)