Council Overrides Pedicab Veto

NY1 is reporting that the City Council has voted to override Mayor Bloomberg’s veto of its pedicab bill.

The pedicab bill caps the number of cabs at 325 and also adds new
safety and insurance requirements. The mayor vetoed the bill after
meeting with pedicab drivers who were concerned about losing their


Bloomberg Says He’ll Veto Pedicab Bill

Speaking on his weekly radio show on WABC, Mayor Mike Bloomberg announced he would veto the City Council’s legislation capping the number of pedicabs in the city at 325: However, the mayor also said he may be amenable to a revised version that simply raised the cap on the vehicles, known as pedicabs. He suggested […]

Will City Council Override Mayor’s Pedicab-Bill Veto?

Anticipating a vote in the City Council this afternoon to override the mayor’s veto of Intro 331-A, a bill to regulate pedicabs, a group of pedicab operators was demonstrating outside the American Museum of Natural History after Bloomberg’s big Earth Day speech. Handing out leaflets with the numbers of swing councilmembers like Daniel Garodnick, the […]

Quinn’s Pedicab Problem: Personal or Political?

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is reportedly pressuring — some might say coercing — council members into backing her effort to override of Mayor Bloomberg’s veto of stringent pedicab restrictions. Tony Avella of Queens talked to the Sun about Quinn’s anti-pedicab campaign among council members. Mr. Avella said his colleagues are following Ms. Quinn’s wishes […]

Pedi Politics

On Monday, April 23, the day after Earth Day and the Mayor’s Long-Term Sustainability speech, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn plans to hold a decisive vote on Intro. 331-A, a law limiting and restricting pedicabs. Mayor Bloomberg vetoed the bill but rather than going back and trying to improve the legislation by, say, simply increasing […]

Pedicab Rally in the News

AMNY reports: The City Council is poised to put the brakes on New York’s freewheeling pedicabs, prompting hundreds of their drivers to say the regulations would devastate a pollution-free way to get around town. "They say we are causing traffic congestion," said pedicab driver Mega Martinez, 43, at a protest Tuesday. "How can that be? […]

Pedicab Ride, Rally and Press Conference in Opposition to Proposed City Council Regulations Limiting Non-Polluting Transportation

The City Council Consumer Affairs Committee is set to vote on regulations that would put a very low cap on the total number of pedicabs in the City and ban certain types of pedicabs from City streets. Time’s Up! joins the Pedicab Owner’s Association against these unreasonable regulations to say: NO CAPS – NO BANS […]