Today’s Headlines

  • Judge Denies Motion to Suspend Bike Permit Law (AMNY)
  • RELATED: ‘Parade Without a Permit’ Set for Today (onNYTurf)
  • PlaNYC Said to Include ‘Some Form of Congestion Pricing’ (Sun)
  • Future of Pedicabs Remains Uncertain (Gotham Gazette)
  • Spitzer to Give Ethanol-Free Clean Energy Address (Sun)
  • Governors Island Gondola Still ‘On the Table’ (Curbed)
  • State DOT Says Riders Responsible for LIRR Falls (Newsday)
  • NJ Officials Defend High Speed Motorcades (NYT)
  • RELATED: Why Do Trucks Need to Go 90 MPH? (Newtown Streets)
  • Drive to Russia, Fill Up Your Tank, Drive Back (Bloomberg)