The State of the City

Mayor Bloomberg delivered his State of the City address at Brooklyn Tech yesterday afternoon. Anyone hoping to hear policy proposals on traffic, transportation, livable streets, climate change and long-term sustainability issues was likely disappointed.

During the speech, a Streetsblog tipster happened to be biking along Jay Street in Downtown Brooklyn on his way to the Manhattan Bridge. As he passed Brooklyn Tech he found his path blocked by a phalanx of double- and triple-parked limos, cop cars and gleaming black SUV’s with city government license plates.

The State of the City, indeed

Photo: Recycle-A-Bicycle interns Juan and Anwar


Having it Both Ways in the “Atlantic Yards” DEIS

Combing through the massive Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the "Atlantic Yards" project in Brooklyn, the Tri-State Transportation Campaign has found at least four instances of the strange, Hamlet-like soliloquy, exemplified below.  "During this period, it is anticipated that the DOT will implement traffic calming measures developed as part of the Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming […]

This Week: Jax Heights Street Safety, Brooklyn Gateway Panel

This week offers opportunities to speak up for safer streets in Jackson Heights, Greenwood Heights and Windsor Terrace, and central Brooklyn. In addition, Saturday’s presentation on the BK Gateway Vision Plan features a panel response from federal, state, and local officials. Here are the details: Tuesday: Join Council Member Daniel Dromm, the Jackson Heights Green Alliance, […]

Markowitz Speaks Against Safer Streets in State of the Borough

Earlier this week, friends and family members of traffic violence victims wrote to Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, asking him to stop standing in the way of street improvements to make walking and biking safer. They had lost loved ones and seen lives disrupted by crashes that could have been prevented by better street design. […]

City Promises $5M in Ped Safety Improvements at Mural Opening

The mother and grandfather of James Rice. With weeping family members and the ghostly, smiling images of three boys watching over them, city officials and elected representatives joined 100 community members on a Brooklyn street corner Tuesday evening to pledge "Not one more death."   State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, Assembly member Joan Millman and representatives […]