Holiday Headlines
- As Dyker Hts Mulls its Con Ed Bill, Pedal-Powered Xmas Lights in Vancouver
- Cyclists, the Police and the Rest of Us (NYT Editorial)
- Widely Accepted & Always Ignored: NYC Has Too Much Traffic (Manhattan Inst.)
- Ancient ice shelf snaps and breaks free from Canadian Arctic (AP)
- Guy in the SUV With the Low-Carbon Diet Bumper Sticker Speaks! (Streetsblog)
- DOT to Re-Instate Pre-Holiday Vehicle Access Rules in Central Park (DOT)
Related: Sacrificing Central Park to Appease the Traffic Gods - Marty on Atlantic Yards: Enormous Steps Will be Taken to Mitigate the Traffic
- Mysore Nagaraja’s Job: Make the Train System Expand on Time (NYT)
Related: Mr. Inside Track Explains How the MTA Works - DOT to LES: Bike Lanes Are Here to Stay, Live with It