Highlights From the Latest Mobilizing the Region

The latest issue of Tri-State Transportation Campaign’s Mobilizing the Region newsletter just came out. Here are some of the highlights:

The Bloomberg Sustainability Agenda: Reading the Transportation Tea Leaves
The mayor mentioned only two broad transportation-related goals: bring the subway system to a state of good repair, and improve travel times over today’s levels by adding mass transit capacity. Urbanists and pedestrian advocates looking for a statement about more efficient and convivial use of city street space were disappointed.

Congestion Pricing: What’s the Problem With Queens?
Strangely, six of the seven bridges or tunnels that connect Queens to other boroughs (and most of Queens to the Rockaways) already have tolls. So is the big fuss in Queens really just about keeping the chronically-clogged Queensboro Bridge toll-free? It is true that Queens connections to some of the free bridges in Brooklyn are pretty direct (if one were driving from eastern Queens to City Hall, for example) but the big shifts in free versus paid car access to the central business district under the Manhattan Institute plan would be in Brooklyn and The Bronx, rather than in Queens.

Earth to Staten Island: Stop Voting for Worse Traffic
Recent news from Staten Island clearly manifests the Island’s split personality. One headline announced the start of construction of a new mall along the West Shore Expressway that is slated to be the "second-largest shopping center" on the Island and looks like it would fit into any sprawling suburban retail landscape across the U.S., while within just a few days, the NASCAR track proposed for a site near the Goethals Bridge went down to defeat because of traffic fears. 


Highlights From This Week’s Mobilizing the Region

The latest issue of Mobilizing the Region digs in to the arguments of congestion pricing foes. Some highlights: NYC: Debunking the Alternatives Instead of heading to Albany and working out legislation to ensure NYC receives federal aid for transit and congestion pricing, State Assemblymembers’ offered their own "alternatives" to Mayor Bloomberg’s pricing proposal. Policy groups […]

Survey: See Which Candidates Favor New Transit Funding and Speed Cams

Races for the White House and Congress aren’t the only ones on the ballot tomorrow. Though as usual there aren’t many competitive contests for State Senate and Assembly, voters who are interested in transportation funding and safer streets should check out a candidate survey released over the weekend by the New York Bicycling Coalition, the Straphangers Campaign, Transportation Alternatives […]

TSTC Names the Most Dangerous Roads for Pedestrians

A new report from the Tri-State Transportation Campaign names five New York City streets among the region’s 10 most dangerous roads for pedestrians, based on the number of fatalities from 2005 to 2007. Making the list were: Third Avenue, Manhattan: 10 fatalities Broadway, Manhattan: 10 fatalities Grand Central Parkway, Queens: 9 fatalities Hylan Boulevard, Staten […]

TSTC Launches “Mobilizing the Region” Blog

For those who’ve come to rely on Mobilizing the Region, the always informative newsletter from the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, TSTC has some bad news — and some very, very good news. The bad news is the newsletter will soon be discontinued. The very, very good news is that it will be replaced by the new […]

Northeast Queens Transportation Panel: Buses, Subways, LIRR, Access-a-Ride, Clean Fuels, Fair Fares, Tolls, Congestion Pricing

"2007 – A Transit Odyssey" (Legislative Forum): Buses, Subways, LIRR, Access-a-Ride, Clean Fuels, Fair Fares, Tolls, Congestion Pricing Moderated by: City Council Finance Committee Chairman David Weprin Speakers: MTA CEO/ Executive Director Elliot Sander State Senator Frank Padavan Assembly Member Catherine Nolan, member, Public Authorities Control Board Assembly Member Mark Weprin City Council Environmental Protection […]