Brooklyn Greenway Fundraiser

Join the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative to raise spirits and funds, and to focus on the future of open space along the Red Hook piers. Enjoy a casual evening of drinks and hors d’oeuvres, hosted by BGI’s Board of Directors and fellow Greenway supporters. Since last year’s inaugural fundraiser at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, BGI has made great strides toward building the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway.

Brooklyn Greenway Initiative – Recent Highlights

  • BGI was awarded a second round of funding by New York State’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, sponsored by the office of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz. This funding will support Greenway design work in Community Boards 2 and 6, and Greenway route selection in Community Board 1. Public design workshops will begin in 2007.
  • BGI is negotiating a contract with NYC DOT to begin designing the Greenway segments around the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The design process will be funded using $188,000 in federal Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) funding secured by Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, as well as $75,000 awarded to BGI by the LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust.
  • BGI is working to change NYC EDC’s proposal for development at Brooklyn’s Piers 7-12 by preserving the planned open space along the west side of Columbia Street. Greenway supporters have made it clear that the community wants the open space that has been threatened under EDC’s plan.
  • BGI hosted the final design review at Brooklyn Borough Hall for a group of graduate students from The Washington University who used the Greenway as the focus of their summer intensive design studio. Program faculty included Moji Baratloo (Columbia University) and Justin Moore (Department of City Planning).
  • BGI helped produce the inaugural season of Red Hook Movies in the Parks, a series of outdoor movies shown in three of the local parks that the Greenway will connect: Coffey Park, Valentino Pier, and the Red Hook Community Farm. Project partners included the Red Hook Community Justice Center, Super Projects, Added Value and Partnerships for Parks.
  • BGI’s Volunteer Corps is ever-expanding, and we are grateful for the time, talent, and energy that volunteers are contributing toward building the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway. Thank you!
  • We’ve moved! BGI has a new office – 145 Columbia Street – located along the future route of the Greenway. We gratefully acknowledge support from the LuEsther T. Mertz Charitable Trust in achieving this organizational milestone. Please check BGI’s website for details about our upcoming Community Open House.
  • And more…please visit for Greenway updates!


Brooklyn Greenway Initiative Benefit

A personal note from Aaron Naparstek: When I first met Brian McCormick, Milton Puryear and Meg Fellerath in the spring of 2002, they were picking up trash and planting tulips alongside a Brooklyn-Queens Expressway off-ramp in Cobble Hill. I asked them what they were up to and they told me that they were working to […]

Brooklyn Greenway Initiative Benefit This Thursday

When I first met Brian McCormick, Milton Puryear and Meg Fellerath in the spring of 2002, they were picking up trash and planting tulips alongside a Brooklyn-Queens Expressway off-ramp in Cobble Hill. I asked them what they were up to and they told me they were working to create a waterfront greenway for Brooklyn — […]

They Cover the Waterfront: Brooklyn’s Future Greenway

Opening this summer: East River State Park on the Brooklyn waterfront  It was a dreamy spring day on the Brooklyn waterfront as more than 100 bikers set out to trace the proposed route of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway. Starting at the end of Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint, cyclists were treated to views of the soon-to-open […]

Brooklyn Greenway Needs Your Clicks

The Brooklyn Greenway Initiative is in the running for a grant from Green Mountain Coffee and needs your online support. To help out, click over to JustMeans to cast your vote and leave a comment in favor of the project. Says the Greenway team: The funds will help sustain our work over the next five years when […]