Rumor Mill: The MTA’s Next Chairman

lee_sander2.jpgLast night the Tri-State Transportation Campaign honored Elliot "Lee" Sander, at its annual gala. Sander was Commissioner of New York City’s Department of Transportation for two years during the Giuliani administration, he is a vice president at DMJM Harris, co-chairman of the Empire State Transportation Alliance, and Director of the Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management at NYU’s Wagner School. A lot of the more progressive players and policy wonks I chatted with last night believe — and hope — that Sander will be the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s next chairman.

Just imagine: A transportation policy expert running the region’s most important transportation agency rather than a Republican real estate mogul.


Sander Picked for MTA Director

As expected, word came out of Governor-Elect Eliot Spitzer’s headquarters this morning that he will recommend the appointment of Elliot "Lee" Sander as executive director and CEO of the MTA. Sander is currently corporate senior vice president at DMJM Harris, a leading transportation engineering firm and director of the Rudin Center for Transporation Policy at […]

The Build for America Plan: Invest in Transportation, Create Jobs

Janette Sadik-Khan, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and Lee Sander. Photo: Paul White. The Build for America campaign officially launched yesterday afternoon at Grand Central Terminal, one of six events held in cities across the nation. DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan — joined by MTA chief Lee Sander, U.S. reps Jerrold Nadler and Carolyn Maloney, and a bevy […]

MTA Chief Lee Sander Gets Megamodal

The Fall 2007 issue of the NYU Rudin Center’s New York Transportation Journal is out and for anyone looking to delve into some wonkish, big picture, regional transportation policy issues, it’s worth a download. This quarter’s Journal has stories on the benefits of regular "programmed" fare increases, Seoul, South Korea’s successful bus rapid transit system […]

MTA Cheered and Jeered, But Mostly Jeered

Reactions were mixed to yesterday’s MTA fare hike approval. That is to say — with the exception of the New York Post — there was enough criticism to go around as to generally avoid repetition. The Daily News, which has pounded the transit agency with its "Halt the Hike" series ("Even as the MTA is […]

Panel Discussion: The Roads Taken and Not Taken: Robert Moses and Transportation

A distinguished panel of transportation experts will examine Robert Moses’s legacy of roads, bridges, tunnels and highways in the context of today’s transportation and transit agenda, stressing strategies for addressing the city’s current traffic problems and future demand for expanded and improved mass transit. Panelists will include Richard Ravitch, former chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation […]

Lee Sander Stepping Down

From the MTA press office: Governor Paterson today accepted the resignation of MTA Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Elliot G. Sander. Mr. Sander offered his resignation to the Governor earlier this year in anticipation of yesterday’s passage of legislation that joins the Chairman and CEO positions at the MTA. Mr. Sander’s resignation is effective May 22, […]