Tour de Bronx

Sunday, October 22
The Bronx Borough President and Transportation Alternatives’
Tour de Bronx

Rain date: Sunday, October 29.

Bicyclists love the Bronx. The Tour de Bronx loves them back:

  • No entry fees; the Tour de Bronx is FREE!
    Register Online Today!
  • Lunch & power snacks are on us!
  • Ride marshals and police escorts provide a Safety Cell on the 25 mile route
  • Enjoy the Tour de Bronx Festival & Jazz Concert
  • To register over the phone or for more info, call the Bronx Tourism Council: (718) 590-BRONX. Phone/fax registration ends at 5 pm on Friday, October 20, 2006. Tell your friends to visit!
  • Volunteers and Marshals are needed! Call Rich Gans at 718-792-2238 to sign up or use the form below.

El Tour de Bronx Le Da La Bienvenida A Los Ciclistas:

  • El Tour de Bronx es gratis! No cuesta nada participar.
  • Regalo especial para las primeras 500 personas que se registren por adelantado.
  • Proveemos almuerzo y meriendas gratis.
  • Policía y organizadores del paseo rodearán la ruta de 25 millas, creando una zona de seguridad.
  • Disfruta el Festival Tour de Bronx y Concierto de Jazz en la parada de descanso principal.
  • Escoge la ruta mas apropiada para ti: 25 millas o 40 millas, si tienes experiencia y prefieres un paso mas rápido.
  • Registrarte es fácil. Solo llena el formulario al lado reverso y mándalo a la dirección indicada. O llámanos al (718) 590-BRONX. Register Online Today!


This Week in Livable Streets Events

It’s a quiet week on the calendar, highlighted by Sunday’s Tour de Bronx. History buffs may also consider stopping by the New York City Transit Museum on Sunday for a look back at the last day of the Myrtle Avenue El, which departed Borough Hall for the final time in October 1969. Wednesday: Transportation Alternatives […]

Weekend Fun: Park(ing) Day Redux, Tour de Bronx

The weather should be ideal for two livable streets events set for this weekend. Tomorrow from noon to 6 p.m., Park(ing) Day Redux will recreate several of the "most inspired" spots from this year’s event for a block party in front of Eyebeam Art + Technology Center on 21st Street between 10th and 11th Avenue. […]

StreetFilms: Tour de Bronx, in Pictures

 StreetFilms’ Clarence Eckerson put down the heavy video equipment and brought along a still camera for this weekend’s Tour de Bronx. Blessed by incredible weather, this year’s ride was kicked off by Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion (ahem) and DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, who Clarence says got "perhaps the biggest ovation I have ever heard […]

Streetfilms: Tour de Bronx 2008

Over 4,000 riders turned out for Sunday’s 14th Annual Tour de Bronx, which covered miles of beautiful scenery — with hopes of more to come, should the Sheridan Expressway ever meet its reward (see the 2:00 mark).  Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there, and files this report.