Climate Change, Peak Oil and the Permaculture Solution

WHO: Andrew Leslie Phillips
WHERE: Friends Meeting House, 15 Rutherford Place on 15th Street between Second and Third Avenues, Manhattan
WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006; 6:30 p.m.
COST: Free, $1 or $2 donation appreciated
SPONSORS: Neighborhood Energy Network, Friends in Unity with Nature, NYC Peak Oil Meet-up


We live at a confluence in history. Peak oil and climate change have arrived at the same time. Unfortunately our leaders have been slow to act and we are not ready. Permaculture is a method of using land and resources in ways that sustain the environment while providing economic and lifestyle benefits to individuals and communities.  It is one of the fastest growing environmental moivements on the planet.
Andrew Leslie iPhillips is a journalist, garden designer and certified permaculture practitioner. He has taught media at NYU, has produced many radio documentaries for Australian Broadcasting Corporation and WBAI Pacifica radio, where he was program director, and is founder of the Hancock Permaculture Center.


“Power of Community” Screening and Permaculture Talk

Thursday, September 7, 2006, 7:00 PM     Inwood Nature Center    218th Street and Indian Road    New York , NY 10034    212-304-2365 The Power of Community Screening and Permaculture Talk with Andrew Phillips     When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, oil shipments to Cuba, a Soviet satellite nation, declined to trickle. The impact on Cuba’s […]

Lecture: Climate Change, Peak Oil, and our Energy Future?

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Conference: Energy: The 1st Challenge of the 21st Century

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The Week’s Links

  I’m not going to be "bullied" by a bunch of over-heated penguins (NYT)PBS’s Penguins of the Antarctic is slow, visually opulent and it makes New York Times television critic Virginia Heffernan feel bad about global climate change. So she pans it. The Final Environmental Impact Statement for Atlantic Yards is Released (AYR) Norman Oder […]