WWJP: Where Would Jesus Park?

Preacher Parking Perks. Trenton, New Jersey.


NYPD on Parking Perks for Press: Do as We Say, Not as We Do

The City Council’s attempt to return parking privileges to the New York press corps faces opposition, ironically enough, from the New York City Police Department. Intro. 779, sponsored by transportation committee chair Ydanis Rodriguez and 34 of his colleagues, would allow people with press-designated license plates from New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut to “park where parking or standing […]
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Free Parking for Electric Cars Is a Bad Idea Any Day of the Week

Intro 1602, sponsored by Mark Levine and Costa Constantinides, would let drivers park electric cars for free in metered spaces on Saturdays. It's a small gesture meant to encourage more New Yorkers to buy EVs. But in a city where street space is at a premium and most people get around without driving, it's a gesture that takes us in the wrong direction.

Eyes on the Street: A Special Lane for Parking Cars

This was the scene along the Edward L. Grant Highway in the Bronx on May 27, where the southbound buffered bike lane near Jerome Avenue was being blocked by SUVs from Florida and New Jersey and assorted other vehicles. The bike lane markings here are worn out by the constant wear and tear of automobile […]