“Bra!” to Congestion Pricing

The IMPACTS conference web site turns out to be a treasure trove of the latest information on how congestion pricing is working in the European cities that are trying it.

Below are a few slides from the presentation delivered by Gunnar Soderholm (PDF file), Stockholm’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer. If you are a transportation geek and you read Swedish, you will love this:

I need to double-check this, but from Soderholm’s presentation it looks like congestion pricing reduced the daily number of vehicles traveling in and out of the Stockholm by about 22% or nearly 100,000 vehicles total.

In September, three months before it started, public opinion was firmly against the idea of
congestion pricing. By May, after five months of living with the
system, public opinion had completely flipped. That is, if "bra" means "yes" and
"daligt" means "no." If not, then, well, the Swedes hate congestion pricing.

Stockholm’s suburbanites appear to be in favor of congestion pricing at just about the same rate as the general population. Perhaps outer borough New Yorkers would be less opposed than people think if the revenues raised by congestion pricing were poured back into transit improvements.

Most remarkable, even motorists appear to be coming around to supporting congestion pricing. 

Experts were surprised by how relatively quickly and easily this high-impact change was adopted and accepted.

Congestion pricing is a single measure that can have a major impact on a city’s output of climate change-causing carbon dioxide emissions. Can you imagine a day when New York City’s transportation agency concerns itself with global climage change?


Don’t Underestimate the Street Safety Benefits of Congestion Pricing

The primary benefits of the Move NY toll reform plan are reducing congestion and funding transit — but don’t overlook the huge potential to improve street safety. Recent research at Lancaster University in the UK suggests that since the introduction of the London congestion charge in 2003, lethal crashes have fallen faster than traffic congestion. The safety gains have even […]

Congestion Pricing Returns to Stockholm

  Sweden re-launched its congestion pricing system today following a 6-month trial and voter referendum last September, in which Stockholm residents approved the traffic control measure by a margin of 52 to 45. The referendum was a definitive victory for a system that reduced Stockholm’s traffic congestion by as much as 50 percent and decreased noxious […]

Congestion Charging on the Horizon for China’s Cities

Which Chinese city will be the first to try congestion pricing? Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai — megacities whose populations are on the scale of New York’s? Or second-tier but still mighty cities (think Chicago) like Hangzhou, Nanjing, or Xi’an? Road tolling à la American turnpikes and thruways is already extensive in China, as a means to […]

Permanent Pricing Gets Green Light in Sweden

Stockholm has just completed its congestion pricing trial. Thanks to broad public support, parliament voted to make the fee permanent. Will New York be in the same position years from now? The Local (Sweden) reports: Sweden’s parliament on Wednesday voted in favour of a permanent road toll for Stockholm in a bid to reduce congestion, […]

Weinshall in Stockholm: Praying for Safer Streets

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