Other Cities’ Mayors on Bicycling

London Mayor Ken Livingstone:
ken_livingstone.jpg"Cycling is the fastest, cheapest, most healthy and environmentally friendly way to get around London, which is why we are investing almost £20 million this year to improve cycle facilities in the capital. The number of cyclists on our roads has doubled since 2000 and we’ve already exceeded our cycling targets five years ahead of schedule, on top of achieving a shift from car use to public transport. I will now be looking at setting tougher targets so we can continue to build on this success and encourage many more cyclists in London."

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley:
clarkanddaley.jpg"As part of our effort to make Chicago the most environmentally friendly big city in the nation, one of our main goals is to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles. Bicycling is a great way to get around Chicago. It’s fun, fast, healthy and good for our environment.

"We want to make Chicago the most bicycle-friendly city in the United States. We have an ambitious, multi-million dollar program to establish 25 miles of new bike lanes and 200 miles of signed routes and to install 2500 bike racks. Major improvements to the Lakefront Trail are underway, with new bike paths to be built at other locations.

"Please help by biking responsibly and sharing the road with others. Contact us if you have suggestions to improve cycling conditions. Let’s work together to make Chicago a better and safer place for biking!"


London Mayoral Candidates Vie to Be the Most Bike-Friendly

Remember the Times of London’s “Cities Fit for Cycling” campaign? Earlier this year one of the most prominent dailies in the UK pulled out all the stops to make bicycling safer in British cities, promoting a comprehensive policy platform. The campaign is for real: The Times is now getting London mayoral candidates on the record […]

Cyclists Rally at City Hall

Call on Mayor Bloomberg to "take control" of city streets. Almost exactly one year ago, New York City cyclists rallied on the steps of City Hall, mourning the deaths of four of their own and demanding that Mayor Bloomberg take action to make the city’s streets safer for bike commuting. This morning, in what is […]

Londoners Take to the Streets — on Cycles

Via the blog of Stuart Hughes, a BBC journalist who lost part of his leg in Iraq while on assignment in 2003 and who is an avid cyclist, come a few interesting links regarding cycling in London. First, a BBC story on the skyrocketing popularity of biking both for recreation and commuting in London, a […]

London Announces Billion Dollar Bike Plan

Proposed routes for bicycle "superhighways" serving London commuters. New Yorkers already envious of London’s congestion pricing system have a fresh reason to look wistfully overseas. A few hours ago, London Mayor Ken Livingstone unveiled a £500 million ($940 million) program to build extensive new bike networks and launch a Velib-style bike-for-hire system. Bike Biz has […]