Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Uncivil Servants

DOT Study Measures Lower Manhattan Placard Abuse

  A Department of Transportation study released Friday shows just how out of control placard parking is in Manhattan. The 187-page report [PDF], accompanied by some 223 pages of maps, was undertaken to assess "how placards are used in Lower Manhattan," and to determine if placard users are taking up more space than is allotted […]

Eyes on the Street: Taking the Lane

  From a Streetsblog tipster comes this shot of five of the city’s 142,000 placard-bearing vehicles parked in the bike lane on Lafayette Street between Franklin and White. What was especially damning is that in the real parking spaces, to the left of these double-parkers, there were about three vacant legitimate spots.

Fidler on the Sidewalk

Streetsblog commenter and Brooklyn Councilmember Lew Fidler adds a tenth plank to his 9 CARAT STONE transportation plan: Sidewalk parking! In today’s Daily News: Brooklyn Diary Where in the world can an elected official park these days without earning the wrath of his fellow Brooklynites? A silver Infiniti belonging to Councilman Lew Fidler — a […]