Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Move NY

Here Are Six Times the MTA Was a State Entity Under Cuomo’s Control

Yesterday on WCNY’s “Capitol Pressroom,” Susan Arbetter hosted Governor Andrew Cuomo for a discussion of the MTA capital program. Lately, the governor has been pushing City Hall to fund a greater share of the authority’s investment plan. Arbetter, pressing the governor, asked a simple question: “Isn’t the MTA a state entity?” “It’s not, actually,” Cuomo replied. “It [covers] a metropolitan downstate […]

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

Quick thought experiment… Imagine for a moment that New York City has a toll system where there are no free rides. No reason for drivers to toll shop, clogging up the routes to free bridges. There is, effectively, a uniform fare for every car trip into the incredibly crowded center of town, revenue from which […]

Someone Show Governor Cuomo This Animated Move NY Explainer

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Not sure why you should support the Move NY toll reform plan? This animation is for you. Move NY has picked up endorsements from city and state electeds, press outlets including the Times and Daily News, and scores of public interest groups. Yet despite the enormous $15 billion gap in the MTA capital program, Governor Andrew Cuomo, who runs the authority, has […]