Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Community Board Reform

Harlem Bus Lane Foes: Good Streets for Bus Riders “Trampling Our Liberties”

Community board meetings in central Harlem have officially gone off the deep end. A DOT plan to extend bus lanes and add turn restrictions on 125th Street was shouted down last night by the same hecklers who have filibustered street safety improvements at Community Board 10 for years. Noticeably absent from last night’s meeting: People who ride the bus on 125th Street. […]

Morningside Ave. Road Diet Set for July After CB 10 Chair Urges Support

With new, clear marching orders from chair Henrietta Lyle after nine months of stalled deliberations, Community Board 10’s transportation committee voted unanimously last night to support a road diet plan [PDF] for a speeding-plagued stretch of Morningside Avenue. Pending expected support from the full board next month, DOT is scheduled to implement the safer street design […]

After Quick Work by CB 7 and DOT, Safety Fixes Debut at 96th and Broadway

After the deaths of Cooper Stock, Alexander Shear, and Samantha Lee at or near the intersection of 96th Street and Broadway shook Upper West Siders in January, DOT promised fixes to an intersection that locals complained had become even more dangerous to cross after a reconstruction project just a few years before. This morning, the city debuted those changes, including […]