Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Albany Reform

Rivera: Pricing Still the Way to Go

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City Council Member Joel Rivera, whose stance on congestion pricing remained unclear until he voted "Yes" on March 31st, came out as a full-fledged supporter yesterday with an editorial in the Daily News. The Bronx rep added another wrinkle to speculation that pricing might come back: Those of us who voted for pricing and those […]

Anti-Pricing Lawmakers Dismayed by Potential Backlash

State legislators who opposed congestion pricing are shocked — shocked! — that the New York League of Conservation Voters may hold them accountable for their positions on one of the most important environmental initiatives in recent history. The Times reports that about a dozen lawmakers, including Bronx Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, are refusing to complete the […]

Paul Newell on Congestion Pricing and Reforming Albany

This is the second installment of Streetsblog’s interview with Paul Newell, candidate for State Assembly in the 64th District, who’s challenging Speaker Sheldon Silver in the Democratic primary this September. In this segment, Newell addresses some of the issues that are fresh in the minds of everyone who followed the death of congestion pricing in […]