Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Albany Reform

Dick Gottfried Blames Bloomberg for Pricing Non-Vote

 Care of the Politicker, here’s 38-year incumbent Assembly Member Dick Gottfried explaining to the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club, whose endorsement he wants for his re-election bid, how democratic Shelly Silver’s house is in comparison to the state Senate. All things considered, it’s a jaw-dropping spiel. Then, at about the three-minute mark, an audience member asks […]

Revenge of the Free Riders

From Transportation Alternatives’ Spring 2008 magazine: The biggest hurdle congestion pricing faced was the simple fact that the people required to enact the legislation were the ones who stood to pay the most because of it. On Monday, April 7, Sheldon Silver walked out of a closed door meeting of State Assembly Democrats and announced […]

Electeds Go to the Mat for Cheap Gas

Desperate to look as if they’re responding to motorists complaints and prayers, state and federal electeds continue to scramble for a quick fix to ever-rising gas prices. In Albany, Senate Republicans have adopted the state gas tax "holiday" as their issue of the moment. Since the largely-ridiculed measure is going nowhere in the Assembly, Joe […]